May 17-18, 2024
MultiMeDialectTranslation 9
Dialect Translation in Multimedia
WelcomeThe MultiMeDialectTranslation conferences are a cyclic linguistic conference event that was initiated in 2002 by an international network of scholars interested in the translation of dialects, language varieties and minority languages in multimedia contexts. We are happy to announce that the MMDT9 conference will take place in Poznań, Poland (Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Applied Linguistics) on 17-18 May 2024. We encourage all scholars interested in any aspect related to the conference topic to submit their contributions. You will find our Call for papers here. Please check the site for all necessary information and feel free to contact us mmdt2024@gmail.com. We are looking forward to welcoming you in Poznań ! |
MMDT - Who we are
MMDT is an international network for scholars and students with an interest in the translation of dialects, language varieties and minority languages in multimedia contexts; a complex, interdisciplinary subject area involving linguistics, communication studies, film studies, multimedia studies and translation studies as well as other areas of cultural studies, sociology and other disciplines.
Some of the topics covered by the network’s members include: dubbing and subtitling films in dialect and linguistic varieties; theatre translation; cultural transfer processes in the characteristics of dialects; archaisms, regionalisms, varieties in the continuum between dialect and standard language; diglossia (national language and regional or local language; “official” and “non official” languages) in translation contexts; the use of new technologies in the translation of dialect and other.
The MMDT-network was initiated in 2002 by Irmeli Helin (Finland) and Herta Maurer-Lausegger (Austria). Previous conferences took place in 2003 and 2005 (both Helsinki/Kuovola, Finland), 2007 and 2010 (both Forlì, Italy), 2012 (Turku, Finland), 2015, (Budapest, Hungary), 2017 (Odense, Denmark) and 2021 (Kaunas, Lithuania). https://mmdtgroup.wordpress.com/
International Scientific Board
- Prof. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik, Poland | Polska | Polen
- Prof. Klaus Geyer, Denmark | Dania | Dänemark
- Prof. Irmeli Helin, Finland | Finlandia | Finnland
- Prof. Herta Maurer-Lausegger, Austria | Austria | Österreich
- Prof. Danguolė Satkauskaitė, Lithuania | Litwa | Litauen
MMDT 9 2024
- CfP
Media landscapes do not remain linguistically stable but are in a state of constant development. Some languages and language varieties come to the fore, take on new functions, conquer new media domains, others are pushed back, lose visibility and importance, or change their roles. Depending on places, as well as speakers and media, the relations between first and heritage languages, second and foreign languages, diglossia, varieties, dialects, regiolects and ethnolects, dominant and endangered languages present themselves in broad and multifaceted, and often also ambiguous ways.
In the context of translation studies, prominently active at the interface between media and languages, this linguistic diversity has always posed a special challenge. In addition to written, audiovisual and audio formats, hypermedia and interactive text types have increasingly become the focus of interest in recent years. How might a regiolect appear appropriately in a film subtitle? Are dialect songs really untranslatable? What should be considered when translating multilingual graphic novels and computer games? What role do dialect inserts play in advertising and how could these be translated?
These and similar questions are in the focus of the 9th MMDT conference, organised from May 17-18, 2024, at the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. MMDT (MultiMeDialecTranslation) is a cyclical interdisciplinary conference, focussing on the interface of linguistics, media, communication, and translation studies, and has been organized since 2002 in various countries.
You are kindly invited to submit a conference abstract to the 9th international MMDT conference. Relevant topic areas of the conference include, but are not limited to the translation of plurilingualism and language varieties
in different audiovisual formats (e.g., feature films, animation, documentaries) and on stage (e.g., theatre, opera, songs, comedy shows)
- in comics and graphic novels
- in the context of marketing (e.g., glocalization) and language policies.
- in the context of pluricentric languages such as English, Spanish, French or German
- in the context of translations for a visually or audially impaired public (AD, SDH, Sign language, Braille)
- in computer and video games, in interactive fiction
- in different kinds of hypertexts and interactive communication
We welcome contributions in English, Polish and German.
Abstracts are expected by January 31, 2024.
- Confirmed keynotes
Prof. Lukas Bleichenbacher St. Gallen University of Teacher Education, Institute for Language Teacher Education, St Gallen, Switzerland
Prof. Mikołaj Deckert Łódź University, Department of Translation Studies and Language Pedagogy, Łódź, Poland
Prof. Tomasz Wicherkiewicz Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Oriental Languages, Department of Language Policy and Studies on Minority Languages, Poznań, Poland
- Local Organizing Committee
Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Institute of Applied Linguistics, Department of Culture and Media Didactics
Prof. Camilla Badstübner-Kizik
Dr. Marta Bąkiewicz
Dr. Elżbieta Dziurewicz
Dr. Gabriela Gorąca-Sawczyk
Dr. Marta Janachowska-Budych
- Conference Fee
Regular fee: 110 EUR / 500 zł
PhD students: 80 EUR / 360 zł
The conference fee covers:
- Conference materials
- Banquet (May 17th 2024, drinks not included)
- Two days conference catering
- Submission deadline for papers and posters
- January 31, 2024
- Notification of acceptance for papers and posters
- February 29, 2024
- Registration deadline
- March 31, 2024
- Final conference programme
- April 15, 2024
Any proposals related to the cfp are welcome.
Proposals of papers are invited for thematic sessions, in addition to that there will be a poster session.
Each paper in the thematic sessions will be assigned a time slot of 30 minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion. Poster presentations will be assigned 15 minutes. Poster sessions will form an integral part of the conference programme.
All abstracts of papers and posters to be presented at the MMDT9 conference must be submitted using our online submission system (see link below). By submitting an abstract you agree to the guidelines specified in the template.
Titles of presentations and abstracts are to be given in English, whereas presentations can be held in English, Polish and German.
Please remember, that once admitted, the title of your presentation as well as your abstract will be published online on the conference website.
Template for the submission of your abstract
- How to get to Poznan?
Here you’ll find information in English how to get to Poznań by plane, train or car: https://poznan.travel/en/r/biznes/poznan-jak-dojechac
- The conference venue
Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland
Institute of Applied Linguistics
Collegium Novum, Al. Niepodległości 4
61-874 Poznań
- Public transport in Poznań
How to move around the city?
Please check on the following websites in English:
- Accommodation in Poznań
- Places to visit in Poznań
https://poznan.travel/en/c/warto-zobaczyc (overview + detailed information)
MMDT Archive
- MMDT8 2021 Kaunas (LT)
- Previous MMDT conferences (from 2007)
Nazwisko | data | DOCX |
Herbst.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Herbst.docx (24.4 KB) |
Wicherkiewicz.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Wicherkiewicz.docx (23.7 KB) |
Kovbasyuk.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Kovbasyuk.docx (24.3 KB) |
Deckert.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Deckert.docx (23.7 KB) |
Matuszak.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Matuszak.docx (24.0 KB) |
Grgič, Popič.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Grgič, Popič.docx (22.7 KB) |
Juzelėnienė.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Juzelėnienė.docx (23.1 KB) |
Li.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Li.docx (23.6 KB) |
Maumevičienė.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Maumevičienė.docx (23.5 KB) |
Utri.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Utri.docx (24.1 KB) |
Satkauskaitė, Astrauskienė.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Satkauskaitė, Astrauskienė.docx (22.6 KB) |
Stopyra.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Stopyra.docx (23.7 KB) |
Del-Valle-Cacela.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Del-Valle-Cacela.docx (23.6 KB) |
Hejduk.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Hejduk.docx (23.9 KB) |
Maurer-Lausegger.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Maurer-Lausegger.docx (24.7 KB) |
Frankowska, Woźniak.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Frankowska, Woźniak.docx (25.4 KB) |
Bleichenbacher.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Bleichenbacher.docx (23.5 KB) |
Vitucci.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Vitucci.docx (23.5 KB) |
Alikaite, Meiliunaite.docxObowiązujący | Mateusz Ławniczak | DOCX Pobierz DOCX Alikaite, Meiliunaite.docx (22.6 KB) |